How do you find the best senior living community for your parents? How do you know which community is best for you? What considerations do you need to keep in mind when choosing a senior living community? We are here to help. Check out this guide to finding the best senior living community for your loved ones.
Considerations in Choosing a Senior Living Community
There are some important things to consider when you’re trying to find the right community.
- Price. What is your budget for senior living? Keep in mind that senior living communities are usually all-inclusive. So, the price for “rent” in a senior living community apartment will often also include utilities, food, activities, gym fees, travel costs, excursions, medical help, and more. When comparing your loved ones’ current living expenses to senior living community prices, make sure to factor in all of these costs. You might find that senior living costs are very comparable to what your parents are currently spending, or even less. It is also much easier to manage and budget for this single bill than to handle all the variable expenses you or they are currently juggling.
- Location. Where do your parents or loved ones want to live? It’s typically best for them to live near family. This will help prevent feelings of isolation and loneliness that can happen as people get older. Moving your parents to a community near you will make it easier to visit and help look after them. If your loved ones currently live with you, moving to a community nearby may actually improve your relationship as well.
- Amenities. What types of amenities are you and your parents looking for in a community? If outdoor spaces, classes, or activities are important to you, make sure to check those out as you consider different communities. Ask about social groups, activities, and relationships with other businesses or groups within the community as well.
More Considerations
- Medical needs. If your parents have medical needs, or need services like physical therapy, speech therapy, or memory care, check to see if the community will be able to provide those services. Different communities offer different levels of care. Check out this post to discover which level of care is right for you.
- Safety. Is the community in a safe area? Do they provide 24/7 security staff? What are their procedures for screening visitors or monitoring residents? If your loved ones suffer from dementia or other memory loss disorders, safety is an especially important consideration.
- Overall feel. Does the community feel like a community, rather than a hospital or institution? You or your parents will probably be happiest in a neighborhood setting where they can find friends and enjoy outdoor spaces and other communal areas.
How to Find the Perfect Senior Living Community for Your Parents
Now that you know what to look for, how do you find this perfect community? Stellar Living can help. Stellar Living has many communities in different states and locations, with all levels of care available. We promise to provide a community feel and top-quality care for your loved ones.
It doesn’t get easier than finding a community with Stellar. Check out one of Stellar’s communities near you today!