How to Create a Great Senior Walking Workout

Walking is the perfect workout for senior citizens. It’s social, can be done indoors or outdoors, and is low-impact, free, and easily accessible. Sometimes, however, you might want more of a workout than just a stroll around the park. Let’s explore how to create a great senior walking workout!


Why Is Walking a Great Senior Workout?

Walking is a low-impact exercise that can be done by most seniors. Walkers and canes can make walking even more accessible to those with mobility challenges. Walking also offers the following benefits:

  • Can be done independently or socially
  • Available everywhere, year-round
  • Free!
  • Doesn’t require a gym membership or instructor
  • Allows you to experience the outdoors and benefits of nature
  • Fun!


How Do I Create a Great Senior Walking Workout?

While walking is a great activity on its own, there are ways to also make it a super-effective workout plan. The most important part of any workout plan is consistency. Make your walking workout a habit. Set aside a consistent time to take your walks every day. For example, you might decide to take a walk first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake up. It’s a great way to start the day feeling productive, accomplished, and happy. 


Next, decide where you will be walking. If you live in a senior living community, you might only need to step outside your door to take advantage of your community’s walking paths. You could also walk on a nearby trail, around a park, or just through your neighborhood. If it’s winter in a cold climate, lots of seniors enjoy walking indoors at malls and indoor tracks. Wherever you are, there’s somewhere you can walk. You can also change up where you take your walks for variety and depending on weather. Just make sure to have some sort of plan in place!


Accountability is another helpful tool in creating a workout plan. Many seniors enjoy walking with friends. It’s a great way to catch up and make connections while you get your workout in. If you prefer walking alone, perhaps you could ask a loved one to check in with you on a regular basis and ask how your walks are going. 


What to Consider in Your Walking Workout


Don’t forget to make your workout fun! It’ll be a lot easier if it’s something you enjoy. Walking can be a great way to find peace and joy in the great outdoors. If you walk indoors, you could make it fun by listening to audiobooks, podcasts, or upbeat music.


Finally, what level of fitness are you hoping to achieve? A leisurely stroll is great if you’re just looking to maintain some mobility and strength. If you’re wanting to get stronger, though, you might have to make your walks a little more difficult. Wearing a heart rate monitor can help you keep an eye on the intensity of your walks. Walking more quickly, uphill, or on more difficult terrain can strengthen your muscles, improve your balance, and improve your mobility.


Keep Your Walking Workout Safe

The most important part of any senior workout is safety. Seniors are at a higher risk of falls, and falls can also be more dangerous for older people. Make sure to use your cane or walker if you need one. Choose level, well-maintained walking areas, and wear appropriate shoes to minimize your risks.

Stellar Living hopes these tips help you create a great senior walking workout. Check out the amazing outdoor areas and groomed walking paths at one of Stellar Living’s senior living communities today!