Helpful information for seniors and their families.

How Much Protein Do Seniors Need?

How Much Protein Do Seniors Need?

You probably already know protein is an important macronutrient for building muscle. But as a senior, perhaps you are wondering how much protein you really...

Summer Skincare Tips for Seniors

Summer Skincare Tips for Seniors

Getting outside more often is one of the best parts of summer! However, all that extra sunshine could have a dangerous downside: sunburn. Sunburns are...

Top 5 Summer Activities for Seniors

Top 5 Summer Activities for Seniors

Wondering what to do this summer? You don’t have to spend it holed up in your senior living home or apartment! There are lots of wonderful hot-weather...

Managing & Reducing Senior Stress

Managing & Reducing Senior Stress

This post was prepared for Stellar Living by Markentum. Everyone experiences stress from time to time; it’s a natural reaction. However, it becomes an issue...

How to Spot Depression in Seniors

How to Spot Depression in Seniors

Could your senior loved one be depressed? Are you a senior and feeling down? Depression in older adults is a serious and growing area of concern. One recent...

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

10 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors

10 New Year's Resolution Ideas for Seniors While your life might look different now than it did when you were younger, it’s never too late to set goals and...